Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4774

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4774. [4806] CONCERNING THE MORAVIAN CONGREGATION. It was previously said that they [the Moravian congregations] are societies of interior friendship. But they are not among the best; for the reason that they believe they only are the elect, and living, but that the rest are non-elect and dead. Thus they regard others as dead, and despise them, yea, they are also angry that others should be saved. They were asked, how they can suppose that the Lord should suffer so many men to be born who are to be tormented in hell whether this would not be unmerciful; whether they do not know that the Lord loves everyone, and has His Church scattered throughout the entire world. Yea, such is their nature, that, when they become aware that others are saved, they think little about the Lord, and, owing to it their anger, not well. Moreover, they, more than others, are in principles concerning faith, as alone saving; and they were asked what are their sentiments about those things which the Lord said concerning the last day, where it is declared that they shall inherit heaven who have performed goods. They said that those goods are the fruits of faith. Wherefore, it was said to them, that the fruits of faith are good works, and that only those who, from faith, are in them, are saved; and that if, from faith, they are not in those things, they are among those who have not done such duties. To these remarks they were unable to reply; for they are utterly unwilling to hear about good works, believing that no one can think about these without putting merit in them. But it was shown that this is false: for good works are the same with uses, in which the entire heaven is - they do not think about merit there - and they have this view of the case, because they are of such a quality that they hold in derision all, outside of their own company, who do anything good from piety. I spoke with them about that matter, and [told them] that they are in falsity, and that no one can be saved by faith separated from uses.

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