Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4775

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4775. [4807] THAT, IN THE OTHER LIFE, THOSE WHO HATED EACH OTHER IN THE LIFE OF THE BODY, MEET TOGETHER. (There were many evil spirits who long lay concealed, inclosed in a peculiar hell, out of which they were, for a considerable time, unable to break forth. On several occasions I wondered who they were. One evening they were let out, and then was heard their great noise, beneath me, like a tumult, which lasted the whole night. And when the ability was given them, I heard revilings against myself and observed their effort, that [namely] they wished to ascend and to destroy me. I asked the angels the reason. They said that they held me in hatred when they were alive; and yet, they were such as I had in no respect injured. I was informed also, that, when they but perceive the sphere of him whom they have held in hatred, they rage, and breathe his destruction; but they were again sent to their hell. [4808] That they who have held each other in mutual hatred, meet together in the other life, and, on both sides, attempt many evils against each other, was made known to me by many examples; for hatred corresponds to antipathy, and, as it were, becomes spiritual antipathy; for, immediately they perceive the sphere of him [they hate], they come into fury. Hence it may be manifest what that which the Lord says, concerning those who are enemies, that they ought to be reconciled, involves: "If thou hast aught against thy brother, go," etc.*) * Matt. 5:23, 24.

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