4779. [4813] THOSE WHO BELONG TO THE PROVINCE OF THE EAR. ((There was a spirit with me, who, while I treated of such things as related to Providence, inflowed very powerfully into my thought ([with the suggestion] as it were, that I might not receive a reply from the printer); and, as often as he did so, I was harassed with anxious thoughts about that matter. It was afterwards said to me, that the spirit who did this, [belonged] to the province of the external ear, and, in fact, to the portion of the ear where the fleshy [lobe] hangs beneath the cartilaginous part, or, rather, where the thick membranous cartilage is; and it was said that his disposition was such, that when, in the life of the body, he had prayed for anything and did not obtain it, be would be exceedingly angry, and come into doubt about Providence. But, yet, when he was out of that state, be had still, obediently, practiced piety. [Such persons] are, as the elders had insinuated, those who are in simple obedience.))