Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4780

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4780. [4814] CONCERNING A CERTAIN EAST WIND. There were societies compounded in an evil manner; and then came those whom I have previously called the east wind. They came, with a harsh noise, a little from above, at the right side. Something of the terror which they bear with them was communicated; but I became aware, from the lamentation of those who are in hell, and otherwise not timid, that a great terror prevailed; for they bewailed, and fled away, hiding wherever they were able. They appeared to me, as to what quality they were. They appeared like large heads of wolves, which gnashed with the teeth; and, wherever they came, they looked in, and turned [those there] into a certain luminous appearance, approaching to yellow, and that which was thus changed, they took in the mouth, and cast forth: it appeared as though they devoured it. Afterwards, I heard those who were thus changed and devoured, in other hells. Such a thing sometimes happens, when deceitful societies are compounded in an evil manner. The compounding of these was done by deceitful ones above the head.

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