4781. [4815] CONCERNING VARIOUS HELLS. There was a certain one, known to me in the life of the body (Sven Lagerberg). He possessed a powerful sphere of truth; protected in that sphere, he traversed many hells; and, meanwhile, spoke With me concerning them. I compared him to Aeneas, who was let down into the localities of hell, and carried into the Elysian fields, and traversed them. Wherever he came, those there either fled, or were deprived of their powers of doing anything against him, or made lamentation. Everywhere, they were afraid. Such [a protection] does the man possess who is in truth. The hells to which he came, were in front, under the earth: and from thence he wandered forwards, to the right, and, afterwards, more towards the right, where the magical hells are. They were the hells of lascivious men and women, who were in mire and squalor. After this, more to the front, a little further on the right, were the hells of miscreants, who wished to plunder everybody. Then, more towards the right still, were the hells of sorcerers, where, also, the farther [you go] the more grievous [the hells] are. He described how some lie in squalor, some in excrements, and some in places where are corpses; and that some appear like corpses, with little of life, but still they could speak. Some had so horrible a countenance, that they could never be described; and they were so numerous that they could not be numbered.