4786. [4822] On another day, he proceeded to others in the lower earth, somewhat higher up, where he came to a certain place there, where were enthusiastic spirits, who declared themselves to be the Holy Spirit; and being asked whence that was, they said, because they were made holy by baptism and the sacraments. [4823] Farther on, he came to others, who affirm that they have the keys of Peter, and that they fill Peters place when he is absent: they open [what they call] a heaven and let people in. And one opened it for him, and he was admitted. Silver and gold in immense abundance, was seen by him, in vision, with vessels and coffers, with which hollow places and closets were filled. They said that heaven is there; and they insisted that heaven itself consists in possessing and beholding such things. They added that they sometimes possess many things, and sometimes those thin vanish away; and that this is so, because they then become blind, so that they are unable to see them, but that, when their eyes are opened, they see: and they actually had the delight of their life in beholding those things. They are simple. The reason they were of the description just given, was because they have seen the treasures of monasteries, and have taken up that delight thence, and have supposed the joys of heaven to consist in such things.