Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4789

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4789. [4826] THOSE WHO RELATE TO THE STOMACH. ((Many anxieties appear to have their seat in the stomach, and the influx of such [anxiety-producing] spirits is felt there, and sometimes the anxieties [appear] to be there, like those of avarice, which are numerous. Such anxieties, when the persons distress themselves because they have to part with their money, appear to dwell in that organ. There are also other anxieties, which, likewise, are plainly perceived in the stomach; some inwardly, some higher, and some lower, according to the difference between them. I often talked with the spirits who induced [the sensations], and who are in the province of the stomach. They correspond to indigestion, and hence to the sense of oppression. [4827] Moreover, the stomach corresponds to the desire of knowing for the sake of use, thus of digesting and appropriating those things which are tributary to use. Then is the stomach in its freedom, and expands freely, and the lungs operate freely upon it; hence, also, life is delightful. In the other case, it is restricted, nor is it able to attain to freedom. [4828] There were certain ones with me above the head, for some hours. I did not observe their presence from anything else than a certain anxious feeling, of which one becomes aware in the lower part of the stomach. Hence, it was evident that they had communication with such as infested the stomach, and those who had their province there. I spoke with the same; and I said that I wished they would retire, because they do not accord with the sphere of those spirits who are with me: for they are repugnant to it. [4929] Then, also, there was conversation about spheres, [to the effect] that there are very many such spheres around men, and that they do not observe that there are; and that many, likewise, produce their effect, like those effects are produced which arise from exhalations, and from repugnance at any ones presence, from joy and freedom, and very many other things; so that spheres operate with men also: but, because they deny all that they do not see and feel in the body, and ascribe anything that appears occult, to nature, and scarcely anyone [believes] that such a thing is from the spiritual world - owing to all this, they reflect little upon it; and they who do reflect, put it aside either as a recondite natural [phenomenon], or as nothing, because they do not understand it.))

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