Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4790

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4790. [4830] CONCERNING WRITINGS IN THE OTHER LIFE. Several times I have observed that they who are in the other [life], both read writings, and also write; and I wondered how this could be, as it was contrary to [our] ideas respecting their state. But, sometimes, there appeared before the eyes sheets written by hand, and also printed, as it were, with types; as, for instance, to-day, there was a writing, which, also, I read clearly; but I did not understand the words. They were in ancient styles, but in the language of some region in the world. I read it in the right order, but did not understand it. But there was an angel with me, and he understood the whole of it. It was said that there is such a style in the other life, formed according to their ideas, and that a perception is then given them for understanding those things. Numbers also were intermingled. They were not foreign characters, but the style was that of the letters of the Latin.

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