Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4791

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4791. [4831] CONCERNING THE LORD SEEN IN A DREAM. The Lord was seen by me, in a dream, with the face and form in which He had been when He was in the world. He was such that interiorly He was full, and, so, could have ruled the whole heaven within. There was a certain one at no great distance from Himself, on whom He gazed, and then raised the eyes slightly, and, thus, knew who and of what quality he was. And He often slept, as it were, with the eyes, when He was withdrawn into Himself When, also, I awaked I saw Him obscurely; and it was stated that such had been His appearance. In a word, He was filled with heaven and with the Divine. In the night between the 18th and 19th November, 1751.

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