212. XII.* THERE IS NO CHURCH WHERE THERE IS NO TRUTH OF FAITH; AND NO RELIGION WHERE THERE IS NO GOOD OF LIFE. The church and religion make one like truth and good. And as truth is of faith, and good is of charity, they make one like faith and charity; or, that it may be more clearly understood, they make one like the understanding and the will. It is known that a man may understand well and yet not will well; and that he can understand truths, and from understanding speak them, and yet not from willing do them. But when he wills as he understands, and does as he says, then the will and the understanding make one in him. So it is with the church and religion. The church is a church from its doctrine; and religion is religion from life according to doctrine. And the doctrine must be of truths, and the life must be of goods. * In the Photolithograph, Propositions XII., IV., and III. are found at the end of the Manuscript. XII. possibly belongs after n. 198, in Proposition XI.