Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2557

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2557. THAT SPIRITS PERCEIVE VERY FULLY THE THOUGHTS OF MAN This may be apparent from many things, but I will only [give] this for an example: if I speak with them [using] only these words, it is so or so, or it is thus or otherwise, without adding other words [and] the remainder is only represented by idea or representation, they immediately perceive every idea and thought; thus [all those] in the remainder from only a few words [expressed]. The remainder [is exhibited] by ideas, therefore those which are [not expressed] [ubsque] in words are exhibited to them in [by] spiritual idea. Hence it may be manifest how many things are in the Lord's Word and how full the ideas are when the words [expressed] are so few, which [words] are wholly unintelligible without ideas, and these are not patent to the eyes of men.

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