Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2558

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2558. THAT WHATEVER IS DONE BY MEANS OF ART [ARTIFICIALITER] CLOSES THE WAY TO INTERIORS. It was granted to see in spiritual idea that as soon anyone wishes from himself to imitate that which is spiritual and celestial and to do from himself what is styled [the work] of the artist, or [working] by means of art, as the magicians did by means of their sorceries, then immediately the interior way is closed, and in externals or outermosts is only a dead principle [mortuum], which nevertheless the artist or magician is not aware of; so also with others who are not aware of interiors, or what [quid, it should be, I think] is therein, then happens the like in externals, as when a man sees only with the eye external things, such as pictures, which he values [and] sometimes prefers to living things, which nevertheless are fairer in interiors, and the more interior the fairer. - 1748, July 7. - Wherefore when these things are beheld by those who are in interiors, they do not appear otherwise than [happens] when [the materials of] pictures or the lime of a house put together, and hence making a splendid appearance, are viewed with the microscope, they then are only filthy. It is different when they look into animals and vegetables.

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