2559. THAT SPIRITS IN LIKE MANNER AS MEN ARE IMMEDIATELY BORNE OF THEMSELVES TO DO EVIL WHEN THE REIN IS RELAXED ON THEM. This in particular was granted me to observe in the world of spirits, and was also given me to experience, to wit, that as soon as they enjoy remission [remittitur] they rush of themselves to ruin and destroy those who are around. They are perpetually so kept in spiritual bonds as not to feel it, in order that they may not be able to think, still less will, and do evil according to their liking and nature. They are ignorant of such bonds, because they are held in such a manner [as not to feel it]; therefore they are supposed to be good of themselves. But it is sometimes shown by experience that these bonds are remitted, and immediately they rush into evil, and indeed to destroy the bystanders. Yea, for the sake of knowing it, the power of remitting their bonds was, as it were, granted to me, and immediately they rushed [to destroy others]; yea, so that [others] complained that remission should be granted them.