Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2560

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2560. A similar thing occurred to me when [my bonds] were remitted, I also immediately rushed into evil, so that there is nothing but evil in man's disposition, and good and mercy [belong] to the Lord alone, who so holds the universal heaven and world of spirits, as it were, bound, that they are almost ignorant that they are evil, yea, suppose that good [proceeds] from them, concerning which I have sometimes conversed with them; they wish to claim good to themselves. In a similar manner is the human race held, although [men] do not know it. Wherefore if the spiritual bonds were remitted by the Lord, one would immediately rush upon another, like wild beast upon wild beast. Concerning these bonds very many things could be said, but the Lord thinking worthy [I shall see them] elsewhere. - 1748, July 7.

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