2561. HOW INTERIOR THINGS IN HEAVEN ARE RELATED TO THOSE WHICH CAN REACH MAN'S APPREHENSION. Interior things, or those which belong to the angels of the interior heaven, are ineffable, and cannot reach the understanding of man, yea, were they displayed, there would appear only a certain most obscure [principle]. There can be no better comparison made than with the fibers of the nerves in the animated body which wonderfully flow from the cerebrum and medulla, ramify, frequently connect with each other, are inserted in the ganglia, and are carried to the viscera, so that it can scarce be known what is the nature of their connection; then likewise the nervous fibers elsewhere, which form wonderful forms, as may be viewed merely from looking at the nervous fibers in plates; still from these thus ramified intertwined, mutually inflowing into themselves, and again and again flowing out, distinct actions proceed,