4744. CONCERNING THE LEARNED WHO HAVE PLACED LEARNING ONLY IN SUCH THINGS AS SUBSERVE INTELLIGENCE AND NOT IN INTELLIGENCE ITSELF. CONCERNING CHRISTIAN WOLF. I was conscious of a certain one, from whom there emanated a sphere like clouds of dust; and when it entered into the nostrils, it was like that dust, involving somewhat of suffocation; and he spoke slowly, with a certain gravity. They said that he sat earnestly meditating in his seat; and it was said that it was Wolf, in that state. He was then forwards, in the plane of the sole of the left foot. That he was perceived of such a character, is, because, in the world, he had studied only such things as are instrumental causes, or means for acquiring understanding - such as mathematics, physics, philosophical studies, logic - wherein he had placed wisdom, but not in the truths themselves of nature, still less in the truths of faith, which, therefore, he had not believed. They who thus study possess such a sphere; and they also appear, to the sight, as chimney-sweeps.