Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5623

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5623. THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT TIME AND SPACE ARE IN THE OTHER LIFE. Those who die while infants, and who come into the interior heavens, do not know what time and space are. As regards time, the reason is this: because the sun, there, does not perform a revolution like the one in the world, consequently, neither does it produce the years and days. The sun, there, which is the Lord, is always in the east; therefore, no other variations exist there than of the states of life as to good and truth, which make their periods. And, since the sun is not of such a nature as the one in the world, they are, therefore, unable to have any notion of time, but only of state - albeit, relatively to the duration of state there is time, just as much as in the world; but they cannot thence have the notion of time, because the states do not recur in regular alternations. In the interior heaven, even the idea of time perishes; because, with those who come thither, the natural, which is in the notion of time, is put to sleep.

5623a. Nor are they acquainted with spaces, because these are variously changed according to the states of their life: hence they are the appearances of states; neither are these fixed as are those in the world. Those spaces, also, are varied as regards distances and magnitudes, likewise according to the states of life; and, because their spaces are of such a nature, neither do they have the notion of them, although they still exist.

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