Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5629

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5629. * ABOUT BABYLON AND THE EXCEEDINGLY CRAFTY THERE: AND ABOUT THE SEVEN MOUNTAINS. I spoke with Englishmen, and inquired whence it was that they were such, namely, that when they hear truths, they see them and follow them, and that, then, they are apt at conforming themselves; for, with them, in the other life, there appears a whiteness which is above their natural and which is of heavenly light: from this also it is that they are intelligent. Likewise, the Dutch; but, with these, the whiteness does not appear, but a certain solidity in their natural; wherefore, also, they are more tenacious. I spoke with the English, asking whence they have such whiteness - also, such a life; which differs, as they perceived, from the life of all other nations. It was then permitted me to set up a comparison between the government which was among them and among the present-day Italians; which governments are perfect opposites: thence, also, it is that their geniuses differ. In England, there is liberty of speech and of writing about both civil and ecclesiastical questions; but no liberty whatever of cheating others, of employing deceits and craft, nor of assassinating, nor of robbery, nor of slaughter; and this [restraint] and that [liberty] are there general. But it is the opposite among the Italians; there, there is almost entire liberty of cheating, by cunning and deceit, and also of killing, on account of there being so many places of sanctuary, but none whatever of speaking and writing about ecclesiastical questions per contra; neither about civil [abuses]; for they have inquisitions there. Hence it is, that the Italian race keeps all things within; and those of them who are evil, retain a fire inwardly in themselves, which is hatred, revenge, ferocity; which fire also is like that which lies concealed under the ashes after a conflagration, and smoulders. But the English race differently. With them, such fire is not concealed but instantly flares up and burns out, because it is conceded to them to speak and write freely, and, because they are kept in sincerity and justice, by means of its not being permitted them to cheat, to rob and to slay; for in such cases there is no pardon. * No. 5628 is skipped in the Latin. -ED.

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