5899. CATS. Some, when explored by the angels, appear as cats. They are those who are able to be in the sphere of the Divine without being tortured; at which I marveled. There was one such in the sphere mentioned above, and interiorly in it; nor did he retire. It was also told me out of heaven, that such ones are able to ascend into certain heavens and stay, nor can they be driven away by the angelic sphere, like others; but there are some there who command them, by word of mouth, to begone, and thus they go away. Those who so command are in power from the Lord. The reason that such are cats, is, because those are cats who have been in external worship and have lived morally, and also attended church, and listened to the sermons, but have given no heed whatever to the things that were preached, and who thus did not imbibe any knowledges of truth and good; - to which they had paid no attention, but only to the speech without the sense. Such, moreover, was B[aron] Stjerncrona, who merely sang, Amen, but paid no attention to any knowledges.