Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5900

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5900. WHAT ONES ALSO ARE SERPENTS. Those also are serpents, who, in the world, have lived alone, and have thus pondered over the various things which happened in the world, and have not divulged their thoughts to anyone. Those who thought ill of their country and neighbor act similarly to serpents; and, also, when explored by the angels, appear as serpents. They are at the back, and their purpose inflows at the hinder part, between the loins, and the worse ones, as far as to the genitals. Those who have not divulged their thoughts, and yet knew how to comport themselves according to the received etiquette and external propriety, are admitted into societies of the upright, because they do not exhibit their thoughts; but, still, they go out and act in league with the wicked, and return; nor do they say what they have done, only that they have enjoyed themselves. Gustav Benzelstjerna.

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