6027. THE MARRIAGE BETWEEN THE EMPRESS OF RUSSIA AND DE LA GARDIE. 1. They* were together, getting acquainted, and liked each other. 2. Afterwards, she was informed about his relatives and traveled to the society in which they were, - to that of R. Ekeblad, where there was easy entrance and where she was honored; afterwards, to that of Count Fersen, but there was no admittance there; and it was said that these spirits were such that, though they did not deny God, the Word of God and theology, they did not think about them. 3. Before this, De la Gardie was separated from his wife, with whom he had sometimes had intercourse, but latterly, seldom: he referred, however, to the council, to see if he could get a divorce; and they examined, and found that there was no similarity as to affections, and so they were divorced. 4. Afterwards, the empress spoke with her female predecessor,** who then was with her dead husband, and was found to have no great intelligence; but it was said, that, since she had got the power, and had learned the language well, she had secretly advised with two, whom others did not know of, and had decided on their advice. It was shown how these had entrance at the side, as it were, and so came up in a chamber, where no one [else] was admitted. But, afterwards, they fell somewhat into disgrace, and kept away; after which she openly advised with several. - She was vexed about what had happened, but could do nothing. - Her husband was quite addicted to drink. 5. Afterwards, the Empress came to speak with the Bishop in Lubeck to whom she had been engaged; but she was not pleased with him, particularly as there appeared with him a pretty-faced woman, who was his mistress, whom he loved much and whom he had not abandoned in the world. - It was afterwards shown where his home now was; which was down in hell, where it looked bad, and he had low work to do, as is usual there. Thereby her fancy for him was dispelled. 6. She afterwards spoke with one from Holstein and Mecklenburg, who had courted her, to observe him; but she found dissimilarity, and would have nothing to do with him, as also was the case in the world. 7. Afterwards, she traveled round and came far from her place; and then, as often happens, she did not know where she was, nor who she herself was. On the way, she met Count De la Gardie, and accompanied him, both unknown to one another, when they again found pleasure in each other. He accompanied her about to a way which went home-ward, when, by accident, they were separated. - A second time she also traveled about, when I did not see what took place. - A third time she traveled the same way as the first; and then, also, of the Divine Providence, she met De la Gardie; and then they saw, as is usual, that the one was destined for the other, loved each other well, and were then carried home each to his own society. 8. The Empress was placed at the head of the best society of Russians, who loved her well. Ex-emperor Peter*** then took leave of that society. Where he afterwards went to, I do not know: he had with him two Jesuits in disguise, who had influenced his mind so that he could not leave them, and who secretly tried to lead him to the Catholics. - De la Gardie came also to govern a fine society. 9. The last time she was accompanied home by De la Gardie. Then De la Gardie came to her palace; and then it was decided between them about the marriage, they having been together long enough. 10. When it was decided on, an angel, in beautiful white garments, was sent from here up to heaven to get a priest from there to marry them which was done in this way, simply that he asked both if they consented, and, when he had heard that, he wished them the grace and blessing of God. Nothing more. This happened on the 5th of March 1762.**** Then he traveled to her behind four pair of horses, splendid. 11. Afterwards, congratulations were received: - (1.) from small children who were brought from heaven to speak to them which so moved her that she went into another room and wept from heavenly joy over their speech. (2.) When she returned eight older children came and made a very pretty congratulation. When they went away, she kissed them all. (3.) Afterwards, adults who had died as children and been reared in heaven. (4.) Lastly came such from the Russian nation as also had been reared in heaven, and brought their congratulations. 12. Finally, there were heard short congratulations from the societies in heaven one after the other; although [short, they were] pretty, according to the order of the provinces there; and were continued to [the number of] from one hundred to two or three hundred, one after the other; and there were yet many who wanted to congratulate, but as it took a long time, many together made one congratulation, and so on. Music was also heard accompanying, in order, the affections of the children who had been there. 13. A feast was afterwards held, which was splendid; at which were thirty persons. 14. In the morning, after they had slept together, they sat down together in a carriage, when I saw him changed, [wearing] the red knight-ribbon; and then they traveled to his home. When they reached there, the house was changed into a beautiful palace with many rooms, at which he wondered much. They went about these; it was beautiful everywhere. - Afterwards, they went into the upper story, and found servants, who belonged to the society, whom she at once recognized, as usual; and there were many rooms in which, as yet, nobody was, - a kind of sign that the society was likely to increase. 15. Afterwards, there came some who were permitted to make representations, and who with beautiful representations represented the government. 16. They then traveled to her [home] in the former place. 17. Their love grew so strong, that she desired to be one with him even as to body, which also took place; and they found it agreeable that it can be so when desired. - Then they seemed to be lifted up, as it were, from the mass [of people]. - Thus they can be one, and be two as to body, yet with one life. 18. De la Gardie has been of such a mind that he always used to speak of useful things discursively, both carefully and vivaciously, and of many spiritually; thus, to speak understandingly, and not from memory only. 19. It was afterwards shown how those are who do not deny God, the Word of God and theology, but yet do not think about them. [I] was carried downwards to some of them, who were complaining quite a good deal that they are inwardly honest, and have within, as it were, something that pains them. They get good things to eat, as was then said, cream and fine food, but it does them no good; all good things have no effect with them. After a while, they take up some work but as soon as it is done it comes [undone] again. - They eat horseradish with enjoyment. 20. Afterwards, they***** went round in a carriage within the society, to show themselves, as is done in the world. 21. She was seen afterwards, and was thoroughly good-looking, 22. however; and, afterwards, [it was stated], 23. about the Emperor Peter, that he had been at the head of that society, but had allowed himself to be influenced by two disguised Jesuits, as was found out, who had communication with their council chamber, very high up in the south; and thus he left, and went down to the less good of the same nation. She would not offend him, and spoke with him; but he took leave of his own accord 24. Afterwards came Queen Ulrica, with her consort, to visit them. He spoke first with the Russian Empress, and was shown all honor; afterwards, Queen Ulrica first to De la Gardie, and then to the Russian Empress; and she made her speech at first simple, afterwards more and more interior; which was answered in order, and somewhat more. 25. On the 25th of March both were in a state of innocency together, and went about, and were seen about by many, as small children. It was also afterwards permitted King Louis XV to be in a state of innocence; and he seemed to others as a child of 5 or 6 years, and he went in to a wolf, which fled away, and to a lion and sat down there, which threw itself round from.****** * The original of this passage, which is mainly in Swedish, is as follows:-6027. DE CONJUGIO INTER KEISARINNAN I RYSSLAND OCH DELA GARDIE. 1. woro de tilsammans och giorde hekanskap, hos hwarandra, och fingo fbr bwarannan tycke, 2. Sedan informeqdes hon om hans slecht, reste til derass societete hwarest de woro, til R. Ekebladz, til hwilcken god ingang war, och beromdes, sedan tii Gref Fersen, men der war ingen ingang, och sades at dess andar woro sadane, at de wel intet nekade Gud, Gudz ord och Theologien, men doch intet tenckt derpa. 3. da forut skildes de lagardie ifran sin fru, med hwilcken han i bland haft umgenge, sedan sellan, doch refererade han til synedrium, om divortium kunde hafwa rum, hwilcke undersockte det, och funno at ingen likhet war uti affectionerne, och sa blefwo de skilde. 4. Sedan talte kejsarinnan med sin foretraderska, hwilcken da war med sin afledne man, och fantz intet wara af serdeles begrep, men berettades, at sedan hon kommit til styrelsen, och hon lardt spraket wel, har haft twenne hon i hemlighet radfort, dem andra intet wetat af, och pa derass (rad) resolveradt; wisades likasom de hade ingang pa sidan, och der kommit op i en kammare, der ingen fick ga in; men sedan kommo de i nagon onad, och drogo sig undan, sedan radgiorde hon uppenliarligen med flere. -hon frotrot wel pa hwad som skedt, men doch kunde hon dertil intet giora. -hennes man war ganska begifwen pa supande. 5. Sedan kom keissarinnan at tala med den Biskop i Lubeck hwarmed hon warit forlofwadt, men hon fandt intet behag for honom, helst da ock syntes jemte honom ett fruentimmer af wackert ansichte, som war hans maitres, och den han mycket alskade, den han ei i werlden hade ofwergifwit. -wistes sedan hwarest nu han war hemma, som war nedre uti helfwete, derest sa (o: sag) illa ut, och han hade ringa syssla for sig, som der pligar wara. Hwarigenom tycket for honom forgick. 6. Sedan talte hon med en ifran Holsten och Mecklenburg, som friat, at se honom, men hon fant olikhet, och intet wille weta vtaf honom, som hon ock giordt i werlden. 7. Sedan reste hon ut omkring, och kom longt ifran sitt hemwist, da som det plagsr ske, hon intet wiste hwarest hon war hemma, som ock hwilcken hon sielf war; pa wagen motte henne Gr. Delagardie, och beledsagade, begge okiande da, och da finge de aterigen tycke, for hwarandra, beledsagade henne omkring til en wag som bar hem til. da de kommo af hendelsse at skiljas at. -andra gangen reste hon ocksa omkring, da jag intet sag hwad som hende-trede gangen reste hon den wagen som forsta gangen, och da jemwel ex providentia Domini motte henne dela Guardie, och da sago de, som ske plagar, at den ena hwar (o: war) bestemd for den andra, och holt wel af hwarandra, och fordes da hem, hwar til sin societet. 8. Kiesarinnan kom at foresta den besta societeten af Ryssarna som har mycken kiwarlek for henna; Ex Keissar Petter tog da afsked ifran den societeten, hwart sedan han kommit wet jag ei; han hade 2ne forkladda Jesuiter hos sig de sa intagit hans sinne, at han intet kunde ofwergifwa dem, hwilcke hemligen sokte at fora honom til de Catholska. -Delaguardie fick ock en wacker societet at foresta. 9. Den sista gongen, da hon beledsagades hem af de l: Gardie, da kom de laguardie til hennes palais, och wart emellan dem beslutit om giftermahlet, war nog lenge tilsammans 10. Da det war beslutat, sendes en Engel harifran op til himmelen som war i wackra hwita kleder, at ta derifran en prestman, at wiga dem, som skedde allenast pa det settet, at han fragade begge om samtycke, och nar han det hordt, onskade han dem Gudz nad och welsignelse, mehra intet, detta skedde d 5 Martij 1762. Da reste han til henne 4 par hestar fore, gran. [ In the MS. this sentence is in the margin. -TR.] 11. Sedan emottogs lyckonskningar, (1) af sma barn, som fordes at tala ifran himmelen, hwaraf hon blef sa rord, at hon gick vt i ett annat rum, och af himmelsk fegnad af derass tahl, gret, (2) da hon kom tilbakars kommo 8 stycken storre barn, och giorde en wacker lyckonskan. nar de utgick, kyste hon dem alla. (3) Sedan fullwexte, som dodt barn, och blifwit i himmelen opfodde. (4) sist kommo sadana i fran Ryska nationem som ock blifwit opfodde i himmelen, och aflade sin lyckonskan. 12. Sist sa hordes fran himlarnes societeter, hwarefter annan ofwanfran korta lyckonskningar, doch wackra i ordning efter provincierna der, som pastod nog lenge, till 100de eller 2 a 300, hwarefter annan, och woro monge som wille annu lyckonska, men som det gick sa lenge ut pa tiden, giorde monge tilsam - mans en lyckonskan, och sa widare. Hordes ocksa en musique instemma i ordning med barnas affectioner som der warit. 13. Sedan giordes maltid, som war prachtig, hwarwid woro 30 personer. 14. Sedan om morgonem, sedan de legat tilsammans, satte de sig i en wagn tilsammans, da sag jag honam ombytt, rodt riddarhand, och da reste de til honom, enar de ditkommo, sa war huset forbytt uti en skiont palais, med monga rum, det han ganska forundrade sig ofwer. de gingo deromkring, skiont of-weralt. -Sedan gingo de uti ofre waningen, fant betienter som horde til societeten, dem hon strax igenkende efter wahnligheten, och woro flere rum, derest annu inge woro, ett sort teckn at societeten torde okas. 15. Sedan kommo in nagre som hade lof at giora reprsasentationer, de der med wackra repraesentationer representerade regeringen. 16. Sedan foro de til henne i det forra rummet 17. Deras kiarlek blef sa starck; at hon astundade wara ett med honom jemwel til kroppen, som ock skedde, och funno sig wel vti det, at det kan ske, nar det astundas. -da syntes de lika som lyftas op ifran hogen. -kunna saledes wara ett, och wara 2 til kroppen, doch med ett ljf. 18. De la Gardie har warit af den hugen at altid tala om nyttiga saker discursive, sa ock courant och vivide, som monge doch spiritualiter, och saledes tala af forstand, och intet som sker af sola memoria. 19. Det wisades sedan, huru de aro som intet neka Gud, Gudz ord, och theologien, men doch intet tencka nagot derpa, fordes ned nagot til dem, hwilcka ganska mycket klagade sig, at de aro inwertes arliga, och hafwa som inwertes som aggar dem, de gifwa godt at ata, som da sades gradde och skion mat, men det gior dem intet godt, alt godt werkar intet hos dem, efter hand gifwa de sig i nagot giora, men sa snart det ar alt, sa kommer det igen. -de ata giarna pepparotz streng. 20. Sedan reste de omkring uti wagn uti societeten, at wisa sig, som sker i werlden. 21. Sedan syntes hon, och war hel wacker. 22. Emedlertid och sedan 23. Om Heisar Peter, at han forestod den societe, men let sig intala af 2 Jesuiter forkladde, som blef opteckt, de der hade communication med deras rad-kammare ofwerst op i meridie, och han saledes tog aftrade, och for neder til de semre af samma nationen, hon wille intet forfordehla honom, talte med honom, men han tog afsked af sig sielft. 24. Sedan kommo dr. Ulrica med sin gemahl, at giora visit hos dem, han forst talte med Ryska Keis: och wistes al hoflighet; sedan dr. Ulrica forst til Delagardie, och sedan til Ryska Keis: och giorde sitt tahl, forst simpelt och sedan inre och inre, som beswarades i ordning, och nagot widare. 25. Begge woro d 25 Martii in statu innocentiae tilsamman. och gingo omkring, och sagos af monga omkring sasom sma Barn;-Sedan fick och Lud. XV. Rex (?) ocksa wara in statu innocentiae, och syntes han andre sasom barn af 5 a 6 ahr, och gick in til lupen, som flydde bort, och til ett Lejon, och satt sig der, som kastade sig om ifran. ** This probably means her female predecessor on the Russian throne, who was the Empress Anna, niece of Peter the Great. Anna was a widow at the time of her accession to the throne her husband was Frederic, Duke of Courland. She reigned from 1730-40. -TR. *** Peter the Great, father of the Empress here treated of. -TR. **** The Empress Elizabeth of Russia, who is the one here referred to, departed this life on 5th January 1762. De la Gardie had died twenty years earlier in 1741. -TR. ***** That is, the Empress and De la Gardie. -TR. ****** Here the text abruptly ends. -TR.