6028. STATE OF C[HARLES] XII., ALSO L[ARS] AND J[ACOB] BENZ[ELIUS],* R. LAGERB[ERG].** (1.) C[harles] XII - was a most profoundly evil man, and diametrically opposed to the Divine; which being discovered he was at length cast down into the extremity of the west, and let down very deep. He became wholly as it were bony. (2.) L[ars] and J[acob] Benz[elius] were both such as could receive nothing of the Divine, but only the extreme efforts from hell. They were at length cast down into the west, deeply among the devils. (3.) R. Lagerb[erg] was, as it were, destitute of life, appearing as if half-dead; and there was, as it were, a winged beast round about, which held him in check. For the reason that he had denied the Divine, as it were a living thought concerning the Divine was inspired in him, which he received well, and fully understood. Thus he became alive; and thus he was instructed that they who acknowledge the Divine have life. I am unaware of his subsequent lot. * These were two brothers. The former, Lars, was ennobled in 1719, and his name modified into Benzelstjerna, by which surname he is usually referred to in the Diary [now called Spiritual Experiences]. He was also a fellow Assessor of Swedenborg at the "College of Mines," from 1722-44, at which latter date he was made "Councillor of Mines." He died in 1755. Jacob, at the time of his death in 1747, was Archbishop (cfr. n. 6033, below) of Upsal. Each married one of Swedenborg's sisters. -TR. ** This person is identified both by Dr. R. L. Tafel, in his Documents concerning Swedenborg (vol. i., p. 683-4), and by Dr. Achatius Kahl, in his Narratiunculae, as Count Sven Lagerberg, who followed Charles XII as lieutenant and captain in the Russian campaign. -TR.