4721. CONCERNING CHANGES OF STATE, AND THAT THE ANGELS OUGHT TO BE IN GOOD AND TRUTH IN EVERY STATE. I perceived a change of state, as regards the good and truth in which I had been previously. It was of such a nature that it was delightful and pleasant to me. Afterwards, I was in a similar condition, and not in delight and pleasantness; but, yet, there was influx into the remembered truth, that that state had been one in which I was delighted: therefore I was sustained, and I fought against [an inclination to abandon the good and truth*]. Hence it could be manifest to me, how it is with the angels and their changes of state, and that in every state, they could be kept in good and truth; and, although, the same thing, in another state, seems to them undelightful and sad, still, from the remembrance that the thing is as has been stated, they suffer themselves to be kept in a state of good and truth. Hence also was it evident, how, when man resists, or fights against evil and falsity only a little, he can be in a state opposite to them, and in delight and pleasantness. Wherefore, only the discernment of resistance, or its admission, is sometimes sufficient, and attests this. * See the parallel experience of the angels, mentioned a few lines further on.